Monday, October 25, 2010

Time Flies! ....these photos are in order starting on the 11th of October and ending this past weekend, the 28th.

My happy boy!

Pearl White Leghorn, 3 weeks (now they're 3x's this size!)

Buff Orpington, 3 weeks

Ameraucauna. 3 weeks

Playing outside.


Outside in the yard.

Falling asleep after turning over...a new experience here!

Ready for a nap....

Eating his Daddy!

Check out his shirt :)

Reading while his Mommy changes his sheets.

Ready for bed after his Granny's Birthday dinner.

Watching the chickens.

This is Suli, one of our 3 new barn kitties!  He is very he is checking Carter out.

Suli again..."can I PLEASE go outside?!"  We've been keeping the kitties in the garden shed to acclimate them to their new home.

This is Cyrus, Suli's brother.  We rescued all of these kitties from being put down due to crowded shelters.  Voices for Animals advertised the cats and neutered and vaccinated them for us!

This is Gus..he's the oldest (maybe 2)  and not related to the others.  The kitties are named after great emperors.  Sulieman the Magnificent, Cyrus the Great, and Romulus Augustus.  Our house cat (we've had for 8 years) is Alexander the Great....the hope is that they will rule their territory and keep the rodents out!!

Carter has become very interested in his toes!!

See what I mean!

..and more toes!


Hanging on to his Mommy!

Ready for bath time!!!

Reading in the bath!

Sitting by himself...again with the toes!  He can sit as long as his center of gravity is low!

Playing around in Photoshop.

I love the maples in the fall!  This one is at my parents house.

Carter on his 5 month "birthday"!

Aaron and Callum loading more logs at my parents we just need to figure out how to put them back together!

Carter watching his Daddy and Uncle Callum.

Yay!  Daddy is done working!

Carter hanging out by a huge tree...his Uncle Callum wanted me to put him in the hole!...I don' think so!

Friday, October 8, 2010

A Busy Beginning to Fall!!

I love this expression!  ...drool and all!
Carter started eating solid foods!
Carter and his Daddy hanging out on the couch.
Taking everything in.
Carter loves to pet his dogs!  This is Lady.

A chilly morning when we were doing our chicken duties.

Playing with his hanging toys...a new favorite pastime!
Standing on the fence looking at the cows...or the ground!
3 minutes of expressions!!
Carter sitting on the LOADER that belongs to his Granddaddy's company.  I used to get my photo taken on them too!

 Carter and his Mommy.

 He loves to go up in the air!

Yay!  We got 27 chicks!  This is when they were 2 days old!  Check out the one doing the chicken dance in the front!  We got 20 straight run Buff Orpingtons, 4 female Pearl White Leghorns,  2 female Ameraucanas, and one free "rare and exotic" chick!..this one has feathers on it's legs and feet!
These are the cows who are leasing our fields!  From left to right, Trixie, Dixie, Millie, and Scarlet.  They don't belong to us, but we get to enjoy them and they'll take care of the fields!
Hazelnuts on the tree!

Hazelnuts in the stroller!
Lady checking out the chicks!
Aaron, my Dad, and Callum loading some of the logs from the house I grew up parents renovated and we're going to use the logs to make a playhouse!!
A portion of our view with neat can almost see individual trees!
Our biggest rooster showing off.  He's a Black Australorp.
Got a problem?!
The hens have 12 nest boxes yet they are doubled up here!  Sisterly love?!
This hen has gone broody, meaning she sits in her nest hoping to hatch some eggs!  Thing is, after letting her sit for 2 days I checked under her (she wasn't pleased with that!) and she wasn't sitting on a single egg!!  SO- I gave her six eggs from her sisters.  I think this will be fun...except, she has claimed one of the two most popular boxes and some of the other hens have refused to lay their eggs!  We went from getting about 11 eggs a day to 6!!  AND, I think I may have a second broody hen now....we'll see...she's been sitting for 2 days now, but she's in a different box today.... silly hens!