Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The BEACH!!!

We spent the second week of September in Corolla, NC.  A great vacation!  I think the photos speak for themselves:

Shoveling was one of Carter's favorite things to do on the beach, but he would only hold his little shovel by the loop handle!  He got pretty good at it by the end of the week! ...time to build that sandbox we've been talking about!

Ayda and Carter sharing a bucket of water.

Carter's Grandma and Grandpa Manis joined us for the first day of the beach!

LOVE LOVE this photo!!!

Carter crawling away from his Daddy!

"You can't get me!!"

Often when Carter walks he puts his hands up like this! ...balancing!

Carter loved pointing out the birds and airplanes.

In the pool!

Reading a book to Granddaddy.

I enjoy Carter's beach bathing pools as much as he does!

Our sandcastle...estate!!

The sandcastle lasted several days....eventually we let the demo crew (mostly Carter!) come in!

No fear!

Just takin it all in on his last day at the beach!

Playing with his Granddaddy (Boggs) on the beach.

CeCe (Boggs) gives Carter a snack!
Aaron's 31st birthday!!


Carter Visits his Great Grandparents

Carter helped process the yummy (very sticky!) corn from Granny and Grandpaw's garden! 
What a big helper!

Carter LOVES to drive Granny's wheelchair!  This photo was taken right after the first earthquake!...we took a break from processing corn to see what the television was reporting.

Carter and Ayda with their Great Granny Boggs.