Monday, August 30, 2010

Weekend Work...

This past weekend Aaron and Michael T. removed about 20 stumps from around the property! Here is Michael T. removing the huge old pine stump by the pool! Now we can start working on our fence!

Michael T. removing stumps from the center of the driveway! Now we won't have to worry about visitors hitting the stumps...or the lawn mower...or us.....

Michael T. would dig them up with the backhoe and Aaron would take them away and fill in the holes/grade the area with the tractor!

Aaron going to get the mail.

While the boys were out taking care of the stumps, I was taking care of Ayda (Michael T's daughter/my neice) and Carter and making spaghetti sauce to can! Here are the veggies I put in the sauce....probably the last of my poor tomatoes!...poor neglected tomato plants still produced a couple hundred pounds of tomatoes!!

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