Monday, November 22, 2010

Carter's almost SIX months! ..and Piggies!

Almost SIX months! 

Everytime I let go of him to take the photos he went straight for the leaves!.....and everything he goes for goes to his mouth!  He looks like he is surprised by the crunchiness!
Daisy on the left and Lady on the right...Carter loves his dogs!

I learned to crochet and this hat was my first project!

Carter has his daddy's lips :)

Carter's new favorite pasttime....jumping!  He starts "jumping" his legs before I can get him all the way in it!!

Jump, jump, jump!

My "Little Monster".  When we got this outfit I remember saying that I hope he can appreciate  the fun of it when it fits him....I imagined he would be walking!!! ....He's now wearing 9-12+ month clothes!


The full moon has been is neat when you have a shadow at night!

Fall sunset.

Chicken tractor.
Mr. Pig!!!  This is one of the males...there are two, and three females!!

They're not sure what to think of me being in their area...

Checkin me out.  They are 2 months old.


They are Gloucestershire Old Spots with a 1/4 Tamworth.   Hardy, heritage, baconators!

This guy is really photogenic!  Not as cute as Carter though :P

Floppy ears are also a characteristic of the breed.

Lady checking out the pigs...pretty girl!

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