Tuesday, January 17, 2012

December 2011

Sunny and TBA (pronounced Ta Ba) listening to the
radio!  TBA stayed for about a week longer than the
other puppies because his new owners were out of town.
Silly Boy! 
Carter and his Daddy looking for the perfect Christmas
tree.  We went to Skylark Farm on the Parkway with my parents.

Carter "helping" his Granddaddy cut down their tree!

Aaron and my Dad putting the first tree on the roof.

Carter and his CeCe..still lookin.

Carter and his Daddy with our tree.

Strapping it down.

Playing with his favorite ornament...the cow his CeCe and
Granddaddy gave him for his first Christmas.

Mixing gingerbread dough...LOTS of dough.

Ayda and Michael T. preparing to cut their
gingerbread house shapes.

Michael T's construction skills paid off when it came to
building gingerbread houses....Ayda's was a typical house, but
he built a yurt for himself!

A view of the better side of my slum house!

MT's yurt.

Leah's Tepee...complete with a fire out front!! 
All bundled up to play outside!

Carter loves his doggies!!  Daisy, Lady, and Sunny.

Lovin on Sunny. 
He looks so innocent!...right?!

She looks innocent too!...hmpf!

Ivywest Shel Be My Sunbeam



Carter and his Great Grandmother, Nana!

Carter loves his cousin Virginia!!

and his cousin Rhys!!

Haha!...Virginia is so funny!

Checkin out the Harry and David selections with cousin Rhys.

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